Refund Policy

General information

The formal name of Priyan Foundation is “Stichting Priyan” (hereafter “Priyan”).

Address: Zekeringstraat 46, 1014 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands
P.O. Box: 58385, 1040 HJ Amsterdam
Phone: +31 (0)20 3302030

The fiscal number of Priyan is: NL 815649393, its registration number at the Chamber of Commerce is: 34246683.

Refund Policy for Recurring payments

We will refund your donation if there was an error made by us. 

If you have made a mistake when setting up your recurring donation 

We can only issue a refund to the same card or account from which the donation was made. This includes all credit and debit card payments, and all other payment methods currently available at our website. 

A recurring payment can be cancelled at any point by informing Priyan in writing. You will receive confirmation of cancellation within the cancellation period, which is 3 working days from receiving your written notice of cancellation.

If a charge is made to the card that falls outside of the three working day cancellation period i.e., where cancellation was not made by us on time, the payment will be refunded as soon as possible but in any event within 5 working days.

Requesting a refund of your recurring donation if you have made a mistake

You must contact us within 30 days after the date of making the first payment. Your notice of cancellation should be sent by email to, and it will be treated as received at 0900 CET on the next business day. 

In your request, please provide the following details: 

  • Your full name
  • the email address provided when making the donation
  • your country of residence
  • your phone number
  • date on which the first donation was made
  • the amount of the relevant donation
  • payment method
  • all relevant circumstances justifying your request

Upon receipt we will review your request and endeavour to respond to you within 3 business days. If the request is accepted, we will cancel the recurring donation and process the refund within 5 working days. 

In any event please do try to ensure that your notice of cancellation is sent to us in good time before the next recurring payment date (so that we can process your cancellation before that date).
